Influence of hybrid profiles on current employability

Hybrid profiles have become a new labor trend, this is born from the need to have professionals whose training is specialized, added to transversal knowledge, with a wide capacity for reinvention and continuous adaptation to new environments and demands, in order to respond effectively to new challenges. 

The implementation of hybrid methodologies allows having different alternatives with the ease of adapting to any situation, combining the training of a specific area with others in force in the world of work.

At present, employability is based on technological knowledge, soft skills, such as adaptation to change, emotional intelligence, teamwork capacity, resilience, critical thinking, effective communication, leadership and empathy. 

To improve employability today, it is essential to have digital and social skills, tools that help a person to be prepared to face the challenges of the present and future, as well as the agility to assume new and challenging responsibilities, typical of an emerging society. 

The current professional environment is characterized by the constant changes experienced by professional profiles, this happens because today there are job offers that two or three years ago perhaps were not yet necessary, a situation that has changed completely with the passage of time. time and the progress achieved in different areas, such as scientific, social, educational, economic, cultural and investigative. 

A hybrid profile allows people to work within the framework of the same project, even if they are in other cities or regions, thus breaking down geographical barriers. This fact means a very important social and cultural change and is part of the great impact that the digital transformation has generated around the world.