It is an easy-to-use payment solution that offers foreign payers a simplified transaction experience, saving time and money for both institutions and their users. Payment is made online, in your own local currency, with your Credit Card: MasterCard© ️, VISA© ️ and AmericanExpress© ️.

The system is very simple:

  • You must first create your user account in the Register option.
  • Enter the details of your Credit Card that you want to use for your payments.
  • Log in again, because the data will have been saved and encrypted.


Are you in the USA? You do not have credit cards or you do not want to use them to pay MTA? No problem! Miami Technology and Arts University offers you the possibility of paying your monthly fees through an International Bank Transfer (if you are outside the US) or National (if you reside in the US) to our Bank Of account. America.

In this option, remember to contact your Bank in your country of origin to consult the process and the applicable fees, since these may vary depending on the country and the entity.

By default, Miami Technology and Arts University will send billing slips and invoices through FlyWire to be paid online quickly, easily and securely. If you wish to pay by National Bank Transfer (from the US) or International (from outside the US) please let us know so that we can arbitrate the corresponding modifications to your case.