Learning, flexibility and realization are axes that must be part of business training in order to promote the development of talent and individual capacities of collaborators, professionals and managers. 

There are numerous transformations that have been experienced at a general level in all areas, including teleworking, the incursion of new technologies and artificial intelligence. Being aware of new trends will be essential for companies, in order to stimulate, motivate and improve the work of their collaborators. Among the main trends in the sector we can indicate: 

  • Corporate hybrid learning: Hybrid work is here to stay, allowing employees flexibility, in addition to being benefited from training programs. 
  • Virtual reality (VR): helps develop hard and soft skills compatible with a variety of sectors. It is considered a growing tool, it offers important advantages in the use of strategies and the achievement of objectives. 
  • Language courses: having a corporate language program helps employees to acquire and perfect their command of other languages, an extremely valuable tool in different contexts. Especially if they have to communicate with people from other parts of the world. 
  • Knowledge of diversity, equity and inclusion: Important progress has been made in this regard. A diverse and inclusive work environment is one in which all its members feel equally involved and supported. 
  • Improvement of skills: Promoting it through plans and programs helps collaborators to stay and feel competitive in their functions. Promotes the development of skills in line with current labor market trends. 

Continuous training and improvement of knowledge are infallible tools to face the constant transformations and demands of the business workplace. In this sense, Miami Technology & Arts University proposes the program of Master of Business Administration, which is focused on the development of skills necessary to successfully create added value for companies in increasingly competitive global markets. It promotes fundamental tools to face the challenges faced by senior management positions in all fields of business. In addition, the program provides graduates with concrete skills such as strategic planning, project development and execution, and business research to present solutions for organizational and management problems faced by companies.