Why is it important to set academic goals?

When we speak of academic goals, we refer to the objectives or results that are desired to be achieved in this field, they can be considered individually or in groups. The first step to establish them is that they are realistic, that is, possible to fulfill, they must be focused on our interests or motivations. 

They are especially oriented towards improving student performance. They play an extremely important role in measuring progress, improving productivity, reinforcing self-esteem and commitment. 

Academic goals are fundamental to directing the intentions and actions of students. They help to visualize the purposes, reasons or needs that lead to carry out or implement actions that will bring them closer to fulfilling them. 

The main reasons for establishing them are: 

  • They give an approach: When goals are correctly established, it is easier to focus our energies on what we want to achieve. 
  • They allow you to measure progress: once goals are clearly defined it will be possible to establish the indicators that allow progress to be measured, making it easier to tenaciously improve performance. 
  • They facilitate decision making: they are the main tool for decision-making, because they allow us to identify if what we choose brings us closer or further away from the goal we want to achieve. 
  • They encourage motivation: this is a very significant element in people's lives, a motivated person will have a greater capacity to face the difficulties that arise. 
  • They guide our actions: they become a guide indicating the path towards which we want to go. 
  • They promote change: achieving our goals requires constant movements and significant changes, necessary to move towards what we want to achieve. 
  • They promote an expansion zone: to achieve our goals it will always be necessary to leave the comfort zone and be open to new learning possibilities.  

The beginning of a new year becomes the right time to set ourselves changes and goals, these can help us improve, progress and take on new academic challenges, as well as finish those studies that we have postponed for some reason.