Find out what your ideal career is according to your personality

Personality is the factor that defines a person's behavior, it is governed according to the traits and characteristics of each individual. It determines the way of being, acting, thinking and expressing oneself, as well as the way in which it relates to others, differentiating it from another. 

In this context, when choosing a professional career, the type of personality of each one must play a fundamental role, taking into account that the professional future will depend on this choice, being that specific activity the one that we will carry out the most of our lives. To do this, having clear tastes, interests and future projections will be essential. 

Studies have revealed that the main factors that determine personality are affectivity, reasoning, stability and dominance, from which the following personality prototypes were built:

  • Analyst, is characterized by inexhaustible curiosity, constantly wants to know more, analyzes everything and is enthusiastic about intellectual challenges, focuses on creating strategies and solving problems. Has skills for math and for the exact Sciences, so a race in engineering or finance they might be to your liking. 
  • Diplomat, are distinguished by their empathy, they constantly seek to help other people in order to achieve a better quality of life for all. He is characterized by his rectitude and by always respecting the feelings of others. They are committed to their environment, so their work field is largely focused on social interaction. He has skills to function in different spaces, such as the field of psychology or related careers communication Sciences. 
  • Sentinel, this type of person stands out for their ability to discern between what is right and wrong, they have a vision of justice and constantly seek to collaborate to improve society. They stand out for respecting the rules. They tend to focus on areas of the Law, Health Sciences or Accounting
  • explorers they are energetic, extroverted and at the same time sensitive people. They are characterized by being sociable beings and with a greater capacity for adaptation. These people stand out for their high level of creativity and imagination, they have widely developed visual skills, so they are good at aesthetics, arts and design. 
  • researchers, have a natural curiosity about things, show greater interest in analyzing data, solving puzzles, generating knowledge and finding solutions to problems of different kinds. They prefer careers that require great mental effort, and at the same time hold positions that require thinking and research. People with this personality can perform effectively in areas investigative and of teaching
  • EntrepreneurThey have a remarkable vision to start any type of business, they have skills that lead them to promote successful projects. They also stand out for having leadership skills. They can enter careers like Management, Marketing, Communication, International Relations, Law, Accounting. 
  • Social, are always interested in helping to improve the quality of life of others. They are interested in situations where they can learn, develop and, above all, help. For this type of person, the most recommended careers are Nursing, Medicine, Pedagogy, Sociology, Anthropology and Political Science. 

Choosing a career that suits or responds to personal and professional interests will be of great help in achieving goals and building a successful professional profile. The key is to know and identify the type of personality that each person really has.