Teaching and technology have changed the role of the teacher?

The introduction of technology in education has caused important transformations, the implementation of new methodologies, therefore, the evolution of teaching modalities. In this sense, the role of the teacher has had to reinvent itself in order to be able to respond to the current and demanding requirements of the teaching/learning process.

Previously, the teacher's task required that he select and prepare the information that he had to transmit to his students, he was consulted in case of any doubt, he clarified them and provided information to expand knowledge.

However, there are currently various means to acquire information, today they are available and easily accessible through the Internet. So, the teaching role has undergone transformations that position it in new tasks for the execution of its main task, teaching. Today the teacher can be described as a guide or mediator who facilitates and enhances student learning, providing them with tools and knowledge so that they can adequately acquire and process the information available on the Internet or other media.

Teaching supported by proper training must propose situations and offer methodologies that encourage students to search, select and process information.

In response to the constant transformations and demands of the educational field, Miami Technology & Arts University proposes the Master's program in Educational Sciences, designed for the preparation of qualified professionals in the field of educational management.

The students will develop the necessary skills for the management of resources, tasks and communications involved in the administration of academic institutions and the resolution of associated problems. The program also teaches the tools used to generate innovative solutions for alternative teaching methods taking into account ethical, environmental, diversity and equality impacts.