Differences between a leader and an entrepreneur

A leader is in charge of guiding a work team to fulfill common and own objectives. It guides with examples and promotes useful methodologies to resolve various situations and fundamentally motivates growth and development.

However, the entrepreneur has a vision to identify new opportunities, projects, creates and puts into operation innovative products or services. Make the decision or take the initiative to carry out actions that help you translate your ideas, identifying the most appropriate spaces or environments for it.

To establish differences between them, it is necessary to observe the characteristics that each one possesses, for example, a leader is known for his ability to position himself in front of a group of people and the entrepreneur stands out for detecting needs and providing responses according to current requirements. 

Being a leader implies the ability to influence and support a group or work team, however, the entrepreneur takes advantage of the opportunities that are presented to him in an ingenious way. 

While it is true that entrepreneurs must also develop leadership, other characteristics take precedence, such as versatility, flexibility, resilience, focus and an innovative vision. 

A leader stands out for his charisma, planning capacity, emotional intelligence, initiative, empathy and commitment. He has a deep self-confidence and motivation that he transmits to others. 

They are different activities, although it is possible that they share certain qualities. Both focus their efforts towards the achievement of a purpose through the collaboration and talent of the members of a group.