Skills most in demand today by companies

In a demanding and constantly changing business world, professionals must necessarily have specific skills that differentiate them from others and that carry greater weight in a selection. 

In addition to undergraduate and postgraduate academic training, other skills are required to stand out in a competitive environment, such as today's world of work. 

Skills can be classified into three types, personal, professional and social. Although, in most cases, a person's innate and natural talents are considered skills, many of them can be learned or perfected through constant training. 

Technological advances pose new tools that in turn lead to significant changes, to which professionals must adapt in order to remain current and fit for the development of activities or the performance of specific positions. 

Among the skills most in demand today by companies are:

So, the majority of organizations and companies aim their searches towards comprehensive profiles, with a high capacity to adapt to the new social and labor dynamics that the workplace demands today.