Educación virtual

Some time ago virtual education was still seen as a distant option to study or was only used by very few. With the advancement of technology and science, today it is a feasible tool for growth and, above all, for access to innovative study methodologies, whether in the undergraduate or postgraduate area. 

Technologies facilitate learning and provide a differentiated experience and benefits in terms of other study modalities. One of the myths that surround this methodology indicates that it does not allow the teacher to have control, but on the contrary, and although the student can choose when to advance in their learning process, online education requires a programming of activities which must be fulfilled within specific established deadlines. 

The applications of virtual learning tools have become a trend, making the most renowned universities around the world offer distance courses, validated like any other that has been developed in the face-to-face mode. 

Another myth that until recently was associated with distance education has to do with quality, the modality was branded as of lower quality compared to face-to-face education, but over time it has been shown that training in the modality Virtual provides a very flexible and creative mode of education, which is why it is currently used by most of the most recognized universities worldwide. 

Although it is true that this training model does not require face-to-face meetings, students are in constant connection with teachers or tutors who help to dispel doubts through the platform chosen by the university to teach the classes. 

This learning methodology has different challenges that in some way differ from those that the traditional modality generally entails, a virtual student requires discipline, self-motivation, ability to manage their time and, above all, the ability to organize to achieve a balance in their activities. daily, so that they do not interfere with their study hours. 

A myth that is almost always attributed to virtuality has to do with the cost, which, because it is lower, is thought that education is not good. But in reality this has to do with the differentiation of investment by the institution in relation to the requirement of each modality. In addition, online classes allow the connection of a greater number of students by breaking down physical or distance barriers, unlike a face-to-face classroom, which is limited by the number of members, according to each specialty.