Audiovisual communication, as well as in other areas, in marketing has positioned itself as one of the strategies that achieves better and greater results in the promotion of products, services and specific actions. 

According to studies carried out, around 90% of consumers indicate that audiovisual content affects the final decision to purchase a product or service.

The audiovisual communication allows the transmission of information simultaneously using sound and image. At present and with the help of various digital and technological media, it has developed innovative tools that allow it even more reach and effectiveness. 

It is present in various industries, including film, television, radio, internet, video games and other sectors. Audiovisual content provides multiple advantages, increases the engagement of current customers and attracts new ones. It is proven that nowadays people prefer to watch videos, instead of reading extensive texts. 

Among its main advantages are: 

  • It is among the forms of communication most accepted by the public. 
  • It generates veracity and engagement.
  • It uses its own language and its codes vary according to the objective of the communication.
  • Promotes customer trust, consumers prefer to buy a service or product that they have seen in a video. 
  • It allows delving into the brand and its values effectively, generating a feeling of affinity between the product and the consumer or client. 
  • It has a greater range, especially those that contain a target that has been positioned, emotion or humor.

Audiovisual communication has become a differentiating tool, it is constantly evolving, it reinforces the identity and benefits of what is offered. Knowing its tools will allow you to get the most out of it and stay at the forefront of the new elements it offers.